Most Recent Calls​​

12/3/2018: 18-170 Medical
11/302018: 18-169 Medical
11/26/2018: 18-168 Medical
11/23/2018: 18-167 MVC
11/23/2018: 18-166 Medical
11/23/2018: 18-165 Medical
11/19/2018: 18-164 MVC
11/18/2018: 18-163 Medical
11/17/2018: 18-162 Medical
11/17/2018: 18-161 Medical
11/13/2018: 18-160 Medical
11/13/2018: 18-159 MVC
11/11/2018: 18-158 Fire Alarm
11/10/2018: 18-157 Medical
11/9/2018: 18-156 MVC
11/6/2018: 18-155 Medical
11/5/2018: 18-154 MVC
11/3/2018: 18-153 EMS
11/3/2018: 18-152 EMS
11/2/2018: 18-151 Barn Fire
11/1/2018: 18-150 EMS
11/1/2018: 18-149 MVC
10/30/2018: 18-148 Fire Alarm
10/28/2018: 18-147 Medical
10/23/2018: 18-146 Medical
10/21/2018: 18-145 MVC
10/20/2018: 18-144 Medical
10/16/2018: 18-143 MVC
10/13/2018: 18-142 ______
10/10/2018: 18-141 EMS
10/10/2018: 18-140 EMS
10/8/2018: 18-139 Medical
10/__/2018: 18-138 Mispage
10/2/2018: 18-137 Combine Fire
10/1/2018: 18-136 Medical
9/28/2018: 18-135 MVC
9/24/2018: 18-134 Fire Alarm
9/23/2018: 18-133 Medical
9/21/2018: 18-132 Fire Alarm
9/20/2018: 18-131 MVC
9/20/2018: 18-130 Medical
9/19/2018: 18-129 Bicycle Crash
9/17/2018: 18-128 Structure Fire
9/16/2018: 18-127 MVC
9/14/2018: 18-126 Medical
9/13/2018: 18-125 Medical
9/11/2018: 18-124 Medical
9/8/2018: 18-123 Lines Down
9/6/2018: 18-122 Lines Down
9/5/2018: 18-121 Lines Down
9/1/2018: 18-120 MVC
8/31/2018: 18-119: Medical
8/22/2018: 18-118: Medical
8/18/2018: 18-117 MVC
8/16/2018: 18-116 Fire Alarm
8/16/2018: 18-115 Tree Fire Rekindle
8/16/2018: 18- 114 Tree Fire
8/15/2018: 18-113 Medical
8/10/2018: 18-112 Oven Fire
8/6/2018: 18-111 Medical
8/5/2018: 18-110 MVC
8/5/2018: 18-109 Medical
8/5/2018: 18-108Medical
8/1/2017: 18-107: Medical
7/24/2017: 18-106 Medical
7/24/2017: 18-105 Brush Fire
7/22/2017: 18-104 Medical
7/20/2017: 18-103 MVC
7/18/2017: 18-102 Medical
7/18/2017: 18-101 Grass Fire
7/17/2017: 18-100 Car Fire
7/15/2017: 18-099 Medical
7/12/2017: 18-098 Grass Fire
7/8/2017: 18-097 Medical
7/7/2017: 18-096 Medical
7/6/2017: 18-095 Welfare Check
7/6/2017: 18-094 Medical
7/5//2017: 18-093 Grass Fire
7/5/2017: 18-092 Medical
7/3/2017: 18-091 Controlled Burn
6/28/2017: 18-090 Lines Down
6/28/2017: 18-089 Tree over the RR Tracks
6/28/2017: 18-088 Tree on Powerlines
6/22/2017: 18-087 Tree on Powerlines
6/20/2017: 18-086 Medical
6/17: 18-085 Medical
6/11: 18-084 Lines Down
6/11: 18-083 Medical
6/10: 18-082 Medical
6/8: 18-081 MVC
6/8: 18-080 Medical
6/7: 18-079 Medical
6/5: 18-078 Grass Fire
6/2: 18-077 Medical
5/27: 18-076 Medical
5/24: 18-075 Medical
5/23: 18-074 Medical
5/18: 18-073 Medical
5/18: 18-072 Medical
5/18: 18-071 MVC
5/15: 18-070 Medical
5/2: 18-069 Medical
5/1: 18-068 Medical
4/29: 18-067 Medical
4/29: 18-066 Medical
4/28: 18-065 Medical
4/17: 18-064 Medical
4/12: 18-063 Medical
4/11: 18-062 Medical
4/10: 18-061 Medical
4/10: 18-060 Fire Alarm
4/8: 18-059 Medical
4/6: 18-058 Fire Alarm
4/5: 18-057 Medical
4/4: 18-056 Medical
4/3: 18-055 Medical
4/2: 18-054 MVC
4/2: 18-053 Medical
4/2: 18-052 MVC
4/2: 18-051 Medical
4/1: 18-050 Medical
4/1: 18-049 MVC x 2
4/1: 18-048 Medical
4/1: 18-047 MVC
3/30: 18-046 Medical
3/27: 18-045 Medical
3/27: 18-044 Car in Water
3/21: 18-043 Semi on Fire
3/20: 18-042 Medical
3/18: 18-041 MVC
3/14: 18-040 Timber Fire
3/8: 18-039 Medical
3/8: 18-038 Medical
3/4: 18-037 Medical
2/26: 18-036 MVC
2/26: 18-035 Medical
2/20: 18-034 MVC
2/19: 18-033 Medical
2/18: 18-032 MVC
2/17: 18-031 MVC
2/15: 18-030 EMS
2/13: 18-029 EMS
2/10: 18-028 EMS
2/10: 18-027 EMS
2/10: 18-026 EMS
2/9: 18-025 EMS
2/9: 18-024 MVC
2/9: 18-023 Fire Alarm
2/5: 18-022 MVC
2/3: 18-021 MVC
2/3: 18-020 EMS
2/2: 18-019 MVC
2/1: 18-018 EMS
1/31: 18-017 MVC
1/31: 18-016 EMS
1/27: 18-015 Structure Fire
1/24: 18-014 Brush Fire
1/22: 18-013 MVC
1/21: 18-012 EMS
1/18: 18-011 EMS
1/17: 18-010 EMS
1/17: 18-009 EMS
1/15: 18-008 MVC
1/12: 18-007 MVC
1/11: 18-006 Fire (Out of District)
1/11: 18-005 Medical Call
1/7: 18-004 Medical Call
1/6: 18-003 Smell of Gas
1/4: 18-002 Medical Call
1/4: 18-001 Medical Call

12/27: 17-215 Medical Call
12/27: 17-214 Smell of Smoke
12/25: 17-213 Medical Call
12/21: 17-212 MVC

Throughout 2015 – 2017 the department experienced many accomplishments and improvements.  For the first time, the ISO rating for the Fire District was reduced to a “5”, the landscaping was updated around the fire station, a new concrete driveway was poured behind the station, and plans for a new rescue engine began.   
In the winter of 2016, the Clin-Clair Fire Protection District purchased a 2017 Rosenbauer Custom Cab Rescue Engine through Sentinel Emergency Solutions.  The 1998 Freightliner E-One Engine was sold to Effingham County Fire Department, Georgia to make room for the new 2017 Engine
If residents of the Clin-Clair Fire Protection District are doing controlled burns on their property please be courteous to the members of the Fire Department and call Clinton County Dispatch at 618-594-4555 to advise them that you will be doing a controlled burn on your property. We do ask to stay near the controlled burn and advise the 911 dispatchers if it does get out of control, you (the owner) will call and request the fire department.

This will assist the dispatchers when they receive 911 calls for a controlled fire near your property by passers-by. 

Controlled Burns

The National Weather Service will begin providing WIRELESS EMERGENCY ALERTS
(WEA) to MOBILE PHONES. For more details click here

Receive Severe Weather Alerts on your Cell Phone

The Clin-Clair Fire Department members would like to invite residents from our district to stop by the fire station any Monday night between 7PM - 8:30PM to see what we do every at the station. Your tax dollars and donations directly support the department so if you want to see it put to work, please stop by and give us a visit; we’ll be glad to show you and your family around. 

Visiting the Fire House